A recent comment about Mark Jordan’s new book made me think of this lecture that he gave at my seminary a few years ago
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This doesn’t begin to address the sacramental and practical issues involved in the Orthodox Church, but thought it nonetheless an interesting marker in the fight for *civil* marriage equality.
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In some ways a gay man (I just don’t know women enough) lives in both worlds, earth and heaven.
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What in your handsome face I see, my lord, I’m hard put to find words for, here below.
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A conversation on another thread reminded me of this speech by Met. Hilarion (Alfeyev), chairman of the Dept. of External Affairs of Moscow Patriarchate and a one-time proposed candidate for the seat of the Metropolitan of the OCA.
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A friend sent me this link to a YouTube sermon.
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HTC: Orthodox Statements on Homosexuality
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Fr. Anastasios, said S & M and other practices may be distorted forms of sexuality.
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Marriage and Asceticism by Fr. John Behr
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Some Personal Reflections on Same-Sex Marriage
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